Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Blessing

I feel blessed that our Evangelical Lutheran Church of America is lead by our Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson. He certainly loves Jesus.
The first time I met Bishop Hanson was in the elevator. We were both working at the Churchwide Offices in Park Ridge, and we were both headed downstairs for midweek morning worship when he realized he wasn't wearing his nametag. In his cleric and huge Bishop's cross around his neck, I told him not to worry, that people would know he's the Bishop. Frustrated, he responded more to himself then me, when he said almost under his breath, "But if I expect others to wear it, I need to wear it too." I have a feeling Bishop Hanson takes wearing his nametag so seriously, not because people won't recognize him otherwise, but because he sees the value in those with power being aligned with those who have less power. In fact, I've seen Bishop Hanson's servant heart on a variety of occasions and he is concerned about the working poor, about women's issues, about children, education, healthcare, and rights for gays and lesbians. This is why I highly recommend either reading or watching his short Christmas Blessing. If you have never seen him before I think you'll sense in his voice, his eyes and his demeanor, the servant of God who is leading our church.

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