I remember in High School asking a friend the question, "If the Jews are God's Chosen People then what does that make Christians?" I was a member of the Christian Student Union, and the boy I was asking was the leader of it. Not only was I excited to get into such theological debates because I respected his opinion but also because I had a huge crush on him and wanted to know him better. I don't remember exactly what he said, even though I can remember asking the question.
After four 1/2 years of seminary and six years as on ordained minister I'm stilling asking that question, amongst many others. In fact I just asked someone I respected that exact question the other day. He said that since God's promise was to Sarah and Abraham, that the promise belongs to all of Abraham and Sarah's descendents--Jews, Christians and Muslims. I had never thought about it that way, and told him I would have to think about that.
The third Sunday every other month, starting this February 21st I'll be leading a class where we can "live the questions," called... Living the Questions! It's a time where I hope we can grow in understanding, join in healthy conversation, and not always walk away with answers but always come to love God more. As a pastor I have always thought of myself as a midwife who helps people journey through the hard labor of new life. Come join me 11:30 in the Bonhoeffer Conference Room in the main campus February 21st as we labor together in faith. I'll see you there!
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