Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jesus Drives Me Nuts

My spiritual director, Pastor Jan, recommended the book "Gospel Light" by John Shea. As usual, the things she recommends speak to my soul. There's a chapter on John 2:23-3:21 with Nicodemus approaching Jesus for spiritual truths and Jesus ends up talking about where the wind blows. If I had ever met Jesus in person I think he would have driven me nuts. Jesus drives me nuts now, but at least I have time to think through what he's saying. If I had been Nicodemus I would have scrunched up my face at Jesus and been left speechless thinking, "why did I come to this guy? I don't understand a word he's saying..." I ask about eternal life, doing the right thing, how to live in this world, and Jesus talks about where the wind blows. Shea ties it all together by saying, "Hang around people who are Spirit-filled and releasing Spirit into the world...Spirit is contagious. It blows where it will. Get in the way of the wind." I am fascinated and appreciative of these remarks, "Get in the way of the wind." If we want to glimpse the Spirit, get a feel for how she works in the world, then it sounds like good advice to me to hang around people who have a sense of how to look for her. No magical formula there, just hang around people who have experience with the Spirit, who can help point out signs of the Spirit, and Get In The Way of The Wind!

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